Drive innovation with insights: engage customers, empower employees, and transform business solutions
Drive innovation with insights to engage customers, empower employees, and transform business solutions.
Drive innovation with insights to engage customers, empower employees, and transform business solutions.
Keeping your work secure is paramount. Windows Virtual Desktop can help. Learn the protocols Microsoft takes to ensure data privacy, network protection, and more.
Customer satisfaction needs to be THE priority in every area of your business. Each interaction a customer has with you will either positively or negatively influence your brand, the customer’s lifetime value, and the impact on future customers and therefore your revenue. The customer experience is everything in today’s market. Ryanne Van Der Eijk is…
Growing concerns about employee experiences—including securing mobile devices and working with flexibility—call for endpoint modernization. The value in Microsoft 365 is its innovation in secure, cloud-connected management as well as its awareness of employee satisfaction (including the acceleration of onboarding of all workers). Take stock in your endpoint estate and start using modern products like…
Defender for Cloud generates alerts for resources deployed on your Azure, on-premises, and hybrid cloud environments. Security alerts are triggered by advanced detections and are available only with enhanced security features enabled. You can upgrade from the Environment settings page, as described in Quickstart: Enable enhanced security features. A free 30-day trial is available. For pricing details in…