What’s The Future Of Your Technology Capabilities?

What’s The Future Of Your Technology Capabilities?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Though the coronavirus situation forced a remote work model for many businesses, some have realized that it might be more ideal than returning to the traditional go-to-work model. Why? Cloud technology. In his article, “What’s the Future of Your Technology Capabilities?”, Gilles Muys writes that the cloud has proven it’s here to stay, due to…

How to Become a Leadership Influencer

How to Become a Leadership Influencer

Blending the concepts of “social influencers” with “thought leaders,” Tom Popomaronis states that a new breed is emerging. A “leadership influencer” still shares knowledge and philosophy through various channels but also demonstrates a rare skill—the power to inspire. Popomaronis shows you where to begin if you haven’t published anything yet. He suggests, for example, you…

What Will Manufacturing’s New Normal Be After COVID-19?

What Will Manufacturing’s New Normal Be After COVID-19?

Historically, industries have been shaped long-term by the short-term changes taken during global crises. Disruptions introduced by COVID-19 are already showing signs of accelerating long-term changes. This thought leadership piece explains several trends and major shifts in manufacturing that may result from short-term responses to the pandemic.

SitePro Part 1

SitePro gained a competitive advantage by combining onsite sensors and data collection with online data processing and management using Microsoft Azure. As a result, they were able to provide faster and more effective service to their customers, which in turn strengthened the offerings of their customers. It’s a win for everyone.

The Art of Possible: Manufacturing priorities that will define 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic introduced unprecedented change and disruption in 2020 for the manufacturing industry. In this video, Microsoft’s Çağlayan Arkan and special guest Enno de Boer from McKinsey & Co. look back on this unprecedented year and offer predictions for 2021. Understand the four durable shifts that need to be top-of-mind for the industry, learn…

ABB takes innovation to the next level. Education from Microsoft Consulting Services is part of the plan.

ABB takes innovation to the next level. Education from Microsoft Consulting Services is part of the plan.

Microsoft is helping ABB maximize their digital transformation by connecting manufacturing solutions to innovative cloud capabilities. But Microsoft doesn’t stop there. Microsoft Consulting Services has helped ABB transform their staff with educational resources to improve customer experiences and opportunities. Learn how Microsoft has helped ABB transform their capabilities and drive staff expertise.